What's the right way to think about modularity in the brain? This devilish 😈 question is a big part of my research now, and it started with this paper with @solarpunkgabs.bsky.social, finally published after the first preprint in 2021! 🤖🧠🧪 www.nature.com/articles/s41...
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.285Z
We know the brain is physically structured into distinct areas ("modules"?). We also know that some of these have specialised function. But is there a necessary connection between these two statements? What is the relationship - if any - between 'structural' and 'functional' modularity?
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.286Z
TLDR if you don't want to read the rest: there is no necessary relationship between the two, although when resources are tight, functional modularity is more likely to arise when there's structural modularity. We also found that functional modularity can change over time! Longer version 🧵👇
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.287Z
It could be the case that they're entirely separate: functional modules that don't overlap the structural modules at all. We often look for spatial maps in the brain, but the existence of salt-and-pepper maps shows that the brain doesn't have to organise spatially.
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.288Z
It could be somewhere in between, with functional modules partially overlapping structural modules, which would explain why we can observe partial functional deficits after lesions to some but not all areas.
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.289Z
Or maybe the brain isn't constrained to have anything that we would recognise as functional modularity at all? We won't get too deeply into that possibility, but we did ask what are the features we would expect based on our intuitions about modularity?
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.290Z
Some of these come from Fodor, and later Shallice and Cooper: modules should have a sub-function, respond to only one type of input, impairing them shouldn't impair other modules, and have limited access to information outside their state. Can we quantify these?
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.291Z
We came up with three quantified measures of functional modularity based on (1) probing (can we infer information a module shouldn't have from its activity), (2) ablation (which sub-functions are impaired), (3) dependency on data that should be irrelevant (with correlation).
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.292Z
We also designed a task and network designed to have maximal, controllable modularity. There are two modules (dense recurrent neural networks) with sparse interconnections. Each receives a separate input. Solving the task requires they share precisely one bit of information.
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.293Z
Roughly speaking, the task is that each module is given one digit to observe. If the parity of the two digits is the same (both even or both odd) then return the first digit, otherwise the second digit. You can solve this by having each module only communicate one parity bit to the other.
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.294Z
By varying the number of connections between the modules we can fully span the possible range of structural modularity (measured with the widely used graph-theoretic Q metric), train on the task using backprop, then measure how much each module specialises on its own inputs.
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.295Z
Good news! Firstly, all the measures of specialisation qualitatively agree, so we're measuring something real 🤞. When the two modules are fully connected to each other, we don't see any specialisation and when they're maximally modular we do. This is what we'd expect. 😅 All good then? Well...
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.296Z
What surprised us is how much structural modularity you need before you observe specialisation. You need Q>0.4, higher than you observe in the brain. So does this mean that structural and functional modularity are unrelated in practice? Not necessarily, there could be other mechanisms at play.
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.297Z
Our intuition suggested that resource constraints are likely to be important: there's little incentive to specialise if you have infinite resources. Sure enough, when we did large parameter sweeps we see that you get more specialisation when resources (neurons, synapses) are tight.
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.298Z
This seems like an important insight: we see that resource constrained biological brains are great at generalisation, an expected outcome of having specialised modules with generalisable functions, while machine learning systems are not. Maybe we give them too much computational power? 🤯
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.299Z
Finally, we made use of the fact that our networks are recurrent (which was a necessary restriction of the simple architecture that we used) and checked how specialisation changed over time. Intriguingly, it decreases over time. But there's more.
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.300Z
This drop in specialisation happens faster the more synapses between the modules and the less noise there is. This looks like maybe specialisation falls simply as a result of how much net communication bandwidth there is between the modules.
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.301Z
This raises the question: maybe specialisation isn't as simple as we think. Perhaps to some extent it's just a measurement artifact of limited communication bandwidth? Or maybe, understanding information flow is key to building systems that can specialise and generalise?
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.302Z
These are the sorts of questions we're following up on now, hopefully we'll have more to say about that soon, but in the meantime we'd love to discuss some of the issues and questions raised with you all. What do you think?
— Dan Goodman (@neuralreckoning.bsky.social) 2025-01-23T16:37:32.303Z
Dynamics of specialization in neural modules under resource constraints