Gabriel Béna
Gabriel Béna will work on machine learning and neuroscience, with a particular interest in spiking neural networks.
Multimodal units fuse-then-accumulate evidence across channelsTalk / 2023
Talk on multimodal processing given at VVTNS 2023 seminar series
Note that only publications as part of the Neural Reckoning group are included here (see external publications below for full list).
Béna G, Goodman DFM (2025)
Dynamics of specialization in neural modules under resource constraints.
Nature Communications
Ghosh M, et al.
Spiking neural network models of sound localisation via a massively collaborative process.
Preprint -
Ghosh M, Béna G, Bormuth V, Goodman DFM (2024)
Nonlinear fusion is optimal for a wide class of multisensory tasks.
PLoS Computational Biology
External publications
This is a short preview of the publications from other sources (ORCID, Semantic Scholar). Note that publications from work done outside the Neural Reckoning group are included in this list.
- Gabriel Béna, Dan F. M. Goodman (2025)
Dynamics of specialization in neural modules under resource constraints
Nature Communications