Danyal Akarca

- Lab member: 2024-
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Mentored by:
Dan Goodman
Supervises: Jatin Sharma, Pengfei Sun
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I am an Imperial College Research Fellow (supported by Schmidt Futures) in the Intelligent Systems and Networks Group in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College London. I'm also a Visiting Scientist at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit at the University of Cambridge.
My work focuses on understanding the shared underlying principles of biological and artificial cognitive systems. To do this, I use a range of techniques borrowed from diverse fields of neuroscience, network science, applied-maths and systems biology. Most of my work involves tying ideas across neurophysiology, developmental biology and AI. I'm particularly interested in how biological systems make trade-offs (that may be implementational, algorithmic and/or computational) in order to solve difficult multi-objective problems they encounter. These ideas are encompassed quite nicely within the growing filed of Neuroscience and AI (Neuro-AI).
I completed my PhD at Pembroke College in Cambridge under the supervision of Prof Duncan Astle and advised by Prof Petra Vertes. Over this time I've been very fortunate to have numerous national and international collaborations, with colleagues at ETH Zürich, Harvard, Google DeepMind and Intel Labs. I previously trained as a Medical Doctor at the University of Southampton, with a particular focus on Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry.
External publications
This is a short preview of the publications from other sources (ORCID, Semantic Scholar). Note that publications from work done outside the Neural Reckoning group are included in this list.
- Elia Benhamou, Danyal Akarca, Joe Bathelt, Sue Fletcher-Watson, Duncan E. Astle (2025)
Population-level transitions in observed difficulties through childhood and adolescence.
Developmental Psychology
- Duncan E. Astle, Mark H. Johnson, Danyal Akarca (2024)
‘Fix’ the Child or Change the Learning Environment?
Developmental Science - Sofia Carozza, Joni Holmes, Danyal Akarca, Duncan E. Astle (2024)
Global topology of human connectome is insensitive to early life environments – A prospective longitudinal study of the general population
Developmental Science
- Jascha Achterberg, Danyal Akarca, D. J. Strouse, John Duncan, Duncan E. Astle (2023)
Spatially embedded recurrent neural networks reveal widespread links between structural and functional neuroscience findings
Nature Machine Intelligence - Sofia Carozza, Danyal Akarca, Duncan Astle (2023)
The adaptive stochasticity hypothesis: Modeling equifinality, multifinality, and adaptation to adversity
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences - Sofia Carozza, et al. (2023)
Early adversity changes the economic conditions of mouse structural brain network organization
Developmental Psychobiology - Danyal Akarca, Simona Schiavi, Jascha Achterberg, Sila Genc, Derek K. Jones, Duncan E. Astle (2023)
A weighted generative model of the human connectome
- Silvana Mareva, Danyal Akarca, The CALM Team, Joni Holmes (2022)
Transdiagnostic profiles of behaviour and communication relate to academic and socioemotional functioning and neural white matter organisation
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry - Natalia Zdorovtsova, Jonathan Jones, Danyal Akarca, Elia Benhamou, The CALM Team, Duncan E. Astle (2022)
Exploring Neural Heterogeneity in Inattention and Hyperactivity - Andrew J. Durnford, et al. (2022)
Risk of Early Versus Later Rebleeding From Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas With Cortical Venous Drainage
- Danyal Akarca, et al. (2021)
A generative network model of neurodevelopmental diversity in structural brain organization
Nature Communications - Ivan L. Simpson-Kent, et al. (2021)
Bridging Brain and Cognition: A Multilayer Network Analysis of Brain Structural Covariance and General Intelligence in a Developmental Sample of Struggling Learners
Journal of Intelligence - Amy Johnson, Joe Bathelt, Danyal Akarca, Gemma Crickmore, Duncan E. Astle (2021)
Far and wide: Associations between childhood socio-economic status and brain connectomics
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
- Andrew J. Durnford, et al. (2020)
Internal neurolysis: ‘nerve combing’ for trigeminal neuralgia without neurovascular conflict – early UK outcomes
British Journal of Neurosurgery - Danyal Akarca, Petra Vertes, Edward Bullmore, The CALM team, Duncan Astle (2020)
A generative network model of neurodevelopment - Daniele L. Greener, Danyal Akarca, Andrew J. Durnford, Frederick Ewbank, George R. Buckland, Jonathan Hempenstall (2020)
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: Shunt Failure and the Role of Obesity.
World Neurosurgery
- Erin Hawkins, et al. (2019)
Functional network dynamics in a neurodevelopmental disorder of known genetic origin.
Human Brain Mapping
- Iftikhar Ahmed, Zafar Niaz, Frederick Ewbank, Danyal Akarca, Richard Felwick, Manuele Furnari (2018)
Sniffing out causes of gastrointestinal disorders: a review of volatile metabolomic biomarkers.
Biomarkers in Medicine - Danyal Akarca, et al. (2018)
An Evaluation of Commonly Used External Ventricular Drain Securement Methods in a Porcine Model: Recommendations to Improve Practice.
World Neurosurgery